Industrial Park

Industrial Park of Győr provides effective and civilized environment for the operation of large, small and multinational entities as well. Concept of the Industrial Park was developed on the basis of considerations that enable meeting the requirements of all the investors having very diverse space and public utility needs. All the advanced infrastructure services are available in the Park that are needed for the smooth performance of an industrial activity.


Industrial Park of Győr is located in the Eastern part of the city; its distance from the M1 motorway is barely 5 km. Its distances from Győr-Pér Airport and from Győr-Gönyű harbor of the Danube are 13 km and 17 km, respectively. Companies operating in the Park can also be accessed by local bus lines easily.


All the areas of the Industrial Part are served by paved roads that are suitable for the traffic of both cars and utility vehicles in every respect. Drinking water is supplied through a network of pipelines connected to the water supply system of the city. The wastewater sewage network (for collecting municipal and industrial wastewater) is connected to the wastewater treatment unit of the city. Rainwater is drained from the area through a system built for this purpose and it is delivered to two lake systems used for filtering and dehumidifying. Gas is supplied to the area by a gas pipe passing through the city that is equipped with proper pressure reducing stations. Electricity is supplied through underground cables. Industrial Park of Győr is fully equipped with public lighting and space lighting systems. Based on individual requirements, full scope of telecommunication services (phone, Internet) are available through a network that has been built simultaneously with the other public utilities.


Operator of the Industrial Park of Győr is committed to ensuring effective operational conditions for its partners, civilized work environment and to the protection of the environment, so it observes the following major regulatory requirements:

Forming parcels of land for using them as industrial areas:
The smallest area of a parcel of land to be formed: 1,800 m2.
The smallest width of a site: 30 m.
The smallest depth of a site: 60 m.
Built-in percentage:

  • Minimum size of front-yard: 12.5 m, but if the highest point of the concerned part of the building does not exceed 6 m, the building can be placed on the site in such a way that the size of the front yard can be 8 m.
  • Minimum size of side yard: half of the building height specified for the subject zone, that is 6.25 meter.
  • Minimum size of back yard: it can not be less than either 6 meter or the actual height of the building facing the back yard.
  • The built-in percentage of 50% does not include the paved areas used for transport purposes.
  • Ratio of green areas should be 25%; that is the aggregated areas of buildings and paved areas can cover maximum 75% of the area of the site.
  • There is no restriction concerning the floor area of the building relative to the area of the site. Floor space of a building that can be erected on a site is determined by the built-in percentage, the dimensions of the front yards, side yards and the back yard and the floor area index specified for the subject zone value of which is 1.0.
  • Facade height of the building facing the street should not exceed 12.5 m.

Protection of the environment, public utilities:

  • Any activity or any modification thereof that has significant effect on the environment can only be implemented after preparing an environmental impact study and obtaining the related permit. Plants pursuing classic metallurgy or heavy chemical industry activities should not be installed.
  • Air quality control classification of the area of the part is 'Protected I'
  • Wastewater can be drained to the public sewer in accordance with the relevant standards.
  • Allowable limit value of noise load level is 60 dB/A.
  • The purchased area should be supplied with all the public utilities. No equipment for substituting public utilities can be built.
  • Intensive green area of 20% should be established within the company site.
  • Parking of motor vehicles should be solved within the site owned.

Company data

Győri Nemzetközi Ipari Park Kft. is in the exclusive ownership of Győr-Szol Zrt., and the exclusive owner of Győr-Szol Zrt. is the Municipality of the City of Győr.

Salient company data:

  • Name of the Company: Győri Nemzetközi Ipari Park Ltd.
  • Headquarters: Gesztenyefa utca 4., H-9027 Győr, Hungary
  • Managing Director of the Company: Ernő Reider
  • Company Registration Number: 08-09-002059
  • Tax Number: 10583245-2-08
  • Community Tax Number: HU10583245
  • Membership in the relevant Chambers: Chamber Of Commerce And Industry of Győr-Moson-Sopron County (Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara), chamber identifier: 0-00-23779

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