Győr city

Győr is the industrial, economic, business, educational and cultural center of the Northwestern region of Hungary, one of the most innovative and most dynamically developing city in the country. City of Győr is the county seat of Győr-Moson-Sopron Couny. It is the sixth largest city in Hungary; number of its permanent residents is approximately 135,000. The city is connected to Slovakia (to the North), Austria (to the West), to the Lake Balaton (to the South) and Budapest (to the East) by its radial road network.

Excellent business environment

Győr is especially attractive target for investors. It has excellent transport opportunities; through the motorway located directly near the city, Budapest, Vienna and Bratislava all can be reached in an hour. Due to the deliberate business organization activity of the city; proportionally the number of business organizations operating in Győr exceeds the national average by far. There are a number of world-famous multinational companies among the firms operating in the region and, at the same time the multi-colored palette of small and medium-sized enterprises proves that excellent background, cooperation and marketing opportunities exist for almost any company as well regardless of the sector of the national economy in which they operate.

Labor of good quality

Győr is the educational and development center of the region. Competent graduates of excellent quality are leaving the local institutions of secondary education (vocational schools, technical schools, grammar schools). Close cooperation of higher education institutes (universities, colleges) of the city with the local companies is exemplary. As a result of this, the supply of highly qualified experts shows an increasing trend. Győr offers attractive opportunities for employees living outside the region, so the flow of skilled employees coming to Győr from other parts of Hungary is getting more and more significant.

Business-friendly city

Local Municipality of the City of Győr considers effective support of the economic development of the region as one of its major tasks. Due to the close cooperation with the local enterprises and to the ongoing social dialog, the companies pursuing their activity here - depending on the prevailing legal regulations - can count on transparent legal environment and quick and flexible administration from the authorities. The Chamber Of Commerce and Industry of Győr-Moson-Sopron County offers further benefits and specific supporting and cooperation opportunities for the local enterprises.

Multi colored culture and leisure activities

Győr has significant values in the area of culture and sport both for the people living here and for the visitors as well. Considering the number of national monuments, Győr ranked as a third city in Hungary, for recognizing the standards of reconstruction of the baroque city center, it has won the Europe award of the protection of historic buildings. Considering its industry, it is a large city developing dynamically, but its bustling cultural life (festivals, theatrical performances, concerts, etc.) is that makes Győr a real European city.

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